Taking the AFGRI brand to the streets
Brand recognition is defined as “the extent to which a consumer can correctly identify a particular product or service just by viewing the product or service’s logo, tag line, packaging or advertising campaign”. Regardless of whether it’s a car, a van, an SUV, a delivery truck, or an 18-wheeler, vehicle branding gives companies an opportunity to advertise their brand in a way that draws attention and turns heads.
With this in mind the AFGRI Grain Management team decided to revisit its fleet branding. The most recognisable asset of the business is the majestic silo complexes that tower above their surrounding landscapes and are virtually impossible not to notice, even from a distance.
“The imposing silhouette of a silo complex was the obvious choice to be used as part of the branding, along with the AFGRI logo and relevant contact details,” explains Wayne Brown, Procurement Manager for AFGRI Grain Management. “We felt this would allow the vehicles to immediately be identified as belonging to AFGRI Grain Management, while clearly representing our core business activity, namely the safe storage of grain commodities.”
The overwhelmingly positive responses to the new branding, from both within AFGRI and the public, is testimony that the branding is undoubtedly achieving its desired objectives of reinforcing the AFGRI brand, not only in the communities in which AFGRI Grain Management has a presence, but virtually across the entire country, by virtue of the routes and distances the fleet travels.
“The striking branding will most certainly also have people who weren’t previously aware of the AFGRI brand, asking questions about who AFGRI is and what other services we offer, in addition to grain storage.”