Dié week op Landbouweekliks | Kuier saam met Gary Vorster

Toe Gary Vorster destyds op die familieveeplaas by Elliot in die Oos-Kaap aangesluit het, was daar geen gesaaides nie. Vandag verbou hy saadaartappels, mielies en sojas, wek sonkrag op en werk aan opvolgplanne met sy bestuurder en twee dogters. Kom kuier saam, Dinsdag om 18:00 net op VIA, en moenie Landbouweekliks hierdie week misloop nie!

Loftus to host 2023/24 quarterfinal – opponents yet to be confirmed

  The Vodacom Bulls’ bonus point nine-try victory over the weekend against Benetton has solidified a Vodacom United Rugby Championship top-four finish for Jake White’s herd with still a round to play. That means Loftus will host the quarterfinal match on the weekend of 07/08 June 2024. The only question still left to be answered […]

Dié week op Landbouweekliks | Kuier saam met Johnson en Lizo Mandla Mandlendoda

Lizo Mandla Mandlendoda is ‘n entrepreneur, baanbreker, mentor en sakeman. Hy en sy broer, Johnson, bedryf twee plase in Middelburg en Komani in die Oos-Kaap, en buiten boerdery bied hulle verskeie opleidingsgeleenthede. Kom kuier saam, Dinsdag om 18:00 net op VIA, en moenie Landbouweekliks hierdie week misloop nie!

Dié week op Landbouweekliks | Kuier saam met die Botha-broers van Greylingstad en Val

Die vier Botha-broers van Greylingstad en Val in Mpumalanga (en hul pa) trek soos een man in dieselfde rigting. Hier is gesaaides, wild, beeste en braaikuikens, en planne om die volgende geslag ook sinvol by die familieboerdery te betrek. Kom kuier saam, Dinsdag om 18:00 net op VIA, en moenie Landbouweekliks hierdie week misloop nie! […]

Grobbies to remain a Bull beyond 2026

The Vodacom Bulls have secured the services of front rower, Johan Grobbelaar for another three years. Grobbies – as he is affectionately known at Loftus – will continue to apply his trade in the capital until June 2027. The junior Springbok alumni has notched up 123 club appearances ever since making his debut with the […]

Boeta Chamberlain

Chamberlain joins the Vodacom Bulls

The Vodacom Bulls have acquired the services of utility back Boeta Chamberlain on an initial two-year deal from coastal outfit, the Hollywoodbets Sharks. The 25-year-old Paarl Boys’ High alumni will call the capital his home until June 2026. Chamberlain has featured in 51 franchise matches for the Durban-based side, 39 of which have been in […]